Thursday, 27 January 2011

  Dear John  An amazing movie!

    I really enjoyed watching “Dear John”, because it was so dramatic. I was so close to cry, when John got the letter from Savannah, where she told him she is going to marry someone elseI felt so sorry for John, he was the perfect man, and then she just married someone else. Savannah made a big mistake right there. I think she should have called John, or at least talked with him. But as she says in the end: If she just had heard his voice she would have change her mind. I still think she was wrong by sending that letter to John. I also think it was bad, that John and Savannah didn’t end together and got married. 
    I think Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried are great actors.   
    “Dear John” is a movie, that is sad and exiting. Through the whole movie, I waited for the moment where Savannah and John would find out, that they wanted each other forever. Their love is so clear, but they are so unhappy when they’re not together. Wouldn’t it be better if they found out, what they wanted in stead of doing the hardest thing for themselves?  
    If I was supposed to make a continuation I would bring John and Savannah together. They would get married and get a happy life.  
    Amanda Seyfried who plays Savannah in the movie, has acted in a lot of movies. For example Mamma Mia, where she plays Sophie. 

    In all I think “Dear John” is fantastic and funny. That’s just my opinion.  

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